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How can I be useful
with my skills?

“I help develop a culture open to change and innovation, through paths aimed at redefining oneself and one’s interpersonal context.”

New Mindset Adoption e
Cultural change

I help small and large work groups to train on mindset, based on trust, presence, non-judgment, open to change and innovation, always putting the person and their potential as an added and shared value at the center. I help them to find alignment towards common purpose and shared values.

Self & Team Leadership Lab.

I support people in business to acquire a full acknowledgment of their talents and to find ways to become and to give their best, so that they learn to look at situations from new points of view and achieve a lasting transformation of behaviors and ways of thinking.

Systemic Team e
Group Coaching

Through systemic coaching I help clients to create a three-dimensional space (a living map) that shows reality for what it is and brings to light invisible dynamics; this allows you to overcome company dynamics such as bad behavior, dysfunctional teams, stagnant situations, repeating patterns, conflicts and difficulties in occupying your role.

How I do it?

By accompanying people and teams looking at situations from new perspectives, raising awareness of themselves and others and gaining a lasting transformation of behaviors and ways of thinking

My philosophy and Method adopted

From being to doing


Mission & Vision

Who I am and where I want to go as a person, as a team and as an organization. What is the future we want to be.


Action Plans

Identify motivating and concrete strategies, the how and the way to achieve qualitative and quantitative strategic goals.


The Values

They characterize what person, team and company wants to manifest with their business, what they are trying to achieve and how they do it.


Skills Laboratories

to ground values, target and behaviors chosen and defined.

Corporate Projects

I support clients in developing Corporate projects and paths, divided into steps. I advise against "one shot" appointments which often do not produce concrete and tangible results.

Every change is the result of a systemic process diluted in a time that contains the necessary phases for the new to occur.

The realization of the projects almost always translates into a moments-mix of co-design, training, group coaching sessions, comparison workshops, creativity and skills training, theoretical stimuli with a lot of research into innovative contents and the most effective forms of learning experiential.

I use an experential and coaching method

I work to accelerate the process of change by helping leaders generate concrete actions


As a trainer I like to start from what the client already is, has and does to give new shape to practice, skills and behaviors according to expressed training needs.

The goal is to enable people to be responsible and autonomous by fostering ideas and solutions to improve business processes and achievements through personal resources. What is interesting from my point of view is that training is generative, activating individuals or specific situations, learning becomes a vehicle for change for the entire company system.

The development of specific knowledge and skills is the first step; the challenge is to help people use the new on-the-job skills in their daily life.

Lo sviluppo di conoscenze e competenze specifiche è il primo passo; la sfida è quella di aiutare le persone a utilizzare le nuove abilità on-the-job,  nel quotidiano.

  • learn to manage relationships in the company through excellent delegation
  • manage meetings in a powerful and focused way
  • be a partner in the process of development and evaluation of the person and performance
  • knowing how to deal with developmental feedback dialogues naturally and decisively
  • become a team with smart processes, objectives and action plans
  • learn to have relationships where responsibility is well defined and shared
  • enhance the ability to make decisions through the meta-function of the will (Assagioli)
  • learn to use aggressive energy for a healthy expression of conflict


The International Coach Federation - ICF - defines coaching as a partnership with customers who, through a creative process, stimulate reflection, inspiring them to maximize their personal and professional potential. With the involvement of the coach, customers can learn and develop techniques and action strategies that will help them to improve both performance and quality of life

I lead people and teams in discovering their awareness, self-confidence, responsibility and inner strength; I help them develop new personal skills and generate a transformation of their dynamics to be more in control of their working and personal lives.

  • better identify target and difficulties to be faced
  • look further or even simply to new directions and areas
  • develop interpersonal effectiveness in mono- and multi-cultural contexts
  • development of decision-making ability, focus and acceptance of change as an opportunity
  • improve one's ability to manage emotions and actions (emotional intelligence)
  • find greater commitment and satisfaction
  • increase in productivity, quality and achievement of objectives.

& Cultural Change

I accompany people to transform themselves and reformulate their way of being, thinking and acting. This is through a process of discovery, not of teaching.

With my coachee (coaching customer), I establish a trusted partnership; the focus becomes future possibilities, starting from the present, to create powerful beliefs that support an evolution that starts from within.

Increasing the proactivity of the individual within their work and personal environment is my aim as a facilitator and trainer.

I work with groups and teams to define possible new applications of models, ideas, solutions suited to the new needs of the company and the market. I facilitate creative focused groups for the definition of new behaviors to experience collaborative, satisfying and profitable relationships; I work alongside them to establish a culture of change and to train management tools that allow organizational change and innovation to be put into practice.

  • develop motivation
  • realign people with corporate and personal purpose and values
  • learn to define shared and co-managed smart action plans
  • review some parts of the organization of processes and actions
  • give life to a shared and synergistic leadership style
  • become a close-knit and effective team, capable of intelligent trust and healthy conflict
  • learn to have more collaborative relationships where responsibility is well defined
  • enhance the ability to make decisions
  • encourage processes and attitudes to share knowledge
  • increase its turnover and economic results
  • overcome contemporary adaptive challenges
  • maintain a personal/professional life balance
  • have a medium/long range bifocal gaze
  •  bring out the best in oneself and in the hierarchical and transversal team, keeping focused on one's own needs, values and vision

I work closely with management and teams to look at activities and processes with different eyes. I design an environment that fosters creativity and new action plans, starting from enhancing what’s already inside the organization in terms of processes, tools, energy, and resources.

From my work experience in companies and organizations, I have learned that in creating a trusted environment through an assertive style of communication, in enriching the tools of the leader and in aligning the company’s strategic goals, it creates an environment in which people work better together and contribute more.

Moments Gallery


Group Coaching

Sviluppo e trasformazione

Schermata 2024-01-16 alle 14.15.03

Gruppi di lavoro

Patto di funzionamento in esterna



Attività ed esercizi in Azienda

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-11 at 09.38

Meditazione strategica

Processi di Cultural Change

Schermata 2023-12-04 alle 11.45.12

New Mindset Adoption

Incontro Wohasu


Talent Assessment

Esercizi sulle competenze

21 ottobre-70


con piccoli e grandi team



in contesti multinazionali e PMI


My foundations

I think the five senses are the door to emotions: the most effective inputs are related to image sounds or metaphors. The information is static, the experience is dynamic: I propose interactive interviews to open up space for new listening and conversational modes.


As a solid foundation on which trust is built and awareness is developed. It provides the wisdom needed to face complex challenges and inspire others through a journey of change.


Continuous updating allows me to stay abreast of new trends, best practices and emerging challenges, thus maintaining relevance and the ability to drive change effectively.


A systems approach means looking at the organization or team as a whole. Recognize the interconnection between the different parts and the impact on change to achieve positive overall results.



I accompany people, teams and companies in large working groups in discovering their own awareness, self-confidence, responsibility and inner strength; I help them develop new personal skills, and generate a transformation of their dynamics to be more in control of their working and personal lives.

This favors an increase in productivity, quality and achievement of goals.

The International Coach Federation - ICF - defines coaching as a partnership with customers who, through a creative process, stimulate reflection, inspiring them to maximize their personal and professional potential to generate results and change.

Team Coaching is a specific coaching methodology that assistes the leader and his team towards better group management, targeting members and co-operation, and team development towards excellence.

As a Team and Group Coach I work with my clients in creating an active learning environment, I train them by focusing on their way of working together, towards a style of relationship and action they themselves define and deserve.

Il Team Coaching è una metodologia di coaching specifica che accompagna e orienta il leader e il suo team verso l’obiettivo e la cooperazione, portando lo sviluppo del team verso l’eccellenza. Creando un contesto di apprendimento attivo, come coach mi focalizzo sul loro modo di lavorare insieme, accompagnandoli verso uno stile di relazione e azione da loro definito e auspicato.

Voice Dialogue is a powerful methodology created by psychologists Hal and Sidra Stone. I am used to integrating coaching sessions with this approach. This leads to the client expanding personal awareness and highlighting limiting, often hidden, patterns and internal resources that, if recognized and integrated, are capable of decisively enhancing the person's effectiveness and quality of life.

From a neurological point of view our primordial instincts are the same as our ancestors: our emotions guide our behaviors.

I am a Qualified Professional on Measurement and Development of Emotional Intelligence ("Individual Effectiveness", "Team Assessment" and "360"). With this tool, I help my clients increase their ability to manage themselves and their relationship with others through greater knowledge of their emotions and the dynamics that make them powerful or limited.

The revolutionary FUTURE method, born in Austria thanks to Wolfgang and Helga Stabentheiner, uniquely integrates concepts from different disciplines, such as humanistic psychology, depth psychology and oriental philosophies. Supported by influences from kinesiology, psychosynthesis, transpersonal psychology and Montessori pedagogy, the method offers complex tools to enhance unexplored resources in individuals, groups and companies. Constantly at the forefront and constantly evolving thanks to global contributions, the FUTURE method supports transformation processes at every level, generating a new quality in the organization and in the individual. Core Coaching is a method that allows you to quickly implement the internal changes necessary to achieve challenging goals. Compared to classic coaching, Core Coaching activates the mind, heart and spirit in sync, and creates the harmony that brings out the best resources.




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