The soul knows,
the heart chooses,
the mind plans,
the body performs.
Facilitate to me means to accompany people to confront and generate processes to reach exploration, discussion, and decision-making goals.
Achieve a sense of shared responsibility through listening, mutual understanding and inclusion, thanks to tools such as guided meditation, group coaching, structured interviews and body awareness exercises.
I support HR so they become partners and business tools
I accompany individuals on their journey to experience and recognize their talents, to express their uniqueness and to improve interpersonal relationships. I facilitate workgroups to develop their ability to create innovation in order to shape new work environments.

Someof my beloved projects

"La Forza dell'Identità"
Donne in Movimento
Docente-Coach in
Confartigianato, Milano Marittima

"La Leadership Sinergica"
Franco Angeli
Sviluppare le nuove competenze di coaching per attivare il cambiamento

"La saggezza
del Leader"
Con la collega e partner
Nancy Agnese Zoda
"Doesn’t grow what you sow,
does what you care for"
Moments that involved me
Inspiration and sharing are the ingredients that have enriched my journey as a professional.
A preview of the human experiences that have shaped and given value to my path.
What projects convey
I read "La Leadership Sinergic". The "feminine" touch is felt and it’s the “extra something”. What did I like? The approach: direct and oriented towards a clear model and written "without pushing it", also exposing the limits that we all encounter. Innovation: each topic cites the source, offers a contribution or an interview (or both). Personal enrichment: useful for focusing (or refocusing) "the tools". Now the second part: taking it back into hand and making it a product of study and dissemination.
A far-sighted book... happy to have a privileged relationship with you and to be able to regularly exchange reflections on new leadership models!
Congratulations Camilla, your style and professionalism in dealing with such complex issues in such a natural way, is reflected and expressed at its best in the book too!