Camilla rovelli | About me
Author, Systemic Team e Group Coach, Senior Facilitator, Master Certified Coach, Mentor, Coaching Competences Trainer and Business School Certificate Teacher
Hours of Coaching
C-Level ed Executive
Hours of Facilitation
Co-Author of “La leadership sinergica. Sviluppare le nuove competenze di coaching per attivare il cambiamento.” Franco Angeli editor.
I am a consultant, executive coach and facilitator. I help companies to create paths that stimulate change and innovation, putting the person at the centre.
My goal as a consultant, executive coach and facilitator is to promote the full expression of the human capital, achieving a high level of performance and self-realization.
Qualche numero
Ore di Facilitazione
Ore di Coaching
C-Level ed Executive
I am an optimistic person with an affable style, who is decisive and pragmatic when it serves, oriented to people, paying attention to the alignment of values and to the development of shared working rules.
I believe in people’s transformational capacity, in the powerful potential of change.
I think the experience teaches, if it is what you want. I like to translate all the valuable opportunities I meet into new ideas at the service of my profession.
I believe in continuing education. To learn the most effective approaches and cutting edge tools I follow courses, seminars and refresher lectures with national and international caliber experts and coaches.
Since 2015 I’ve gained solid experience in the design and implementation of mentoring paths for companies and executives in developing the skills of the mentor coach; Coach in the Valore D Intercompany Mentoring Program from 2018 to 2022; Mentor in the international PWN Milan program. Registered in the ICF Mentor Coach register.
My qualifications and experiences
Few simple points to know my story so far
- 2021: Master Certified Coach (MCC) – International Coach Federation (ICF)
- 2017: Facilitator – Certified Franklin Covey Facilitator Leadership e Trust, Milan
- 2009: Individual Effectiveness Certification Workshop – C&C Consulting – Milan Certified for the provision and return of the Individual Effectiveness assessment which measures emotional intelligence “Individual Effectiveness”, “Team Assessment” and “360” of JCA Occupational Psychologists Ltd.
- 2018-20: Advance Core Coaching Training – Future Coaching Academy Italy, Milan
- 2017: Team Coaching Master Class with Chris Sheepshanks – TPC Leadership Italy, Florence
- 2015: Team & Group Coaching Master – Future Coaching Academy Italy, Milan
- 2009 a 2011: PCM (Professional Coaching Mastery) – AsterysLab Srl, Rome
- 2013: Voice Dialogue Facilitator Training with John Kant – Asteryslab Srl, Milan
- 2011 – 2012: Systemic Coaching and Constellations with John Whittington – Life Coach Lab Srl, Rome
- 2011 – 2012: Bert Hellinger training course Diploma, Family and Systemic Constellations Helligerschule – Bad Reichenhall – DE
- 2014: A Living System Approach to Facilitating Change Organizations Robin de Carteret and Giovanna D’Alessio – Orta Lake – Italy
- 2014: Train trainers to renew organizations and society – Advanced course on the construction of training processes
- 2013: Asterys’ Facilitators of Transformation Coaching Programme Montmarquet France

Cultural change processes to achieve synergistic goal
Experience, continuous updating and an integrated and systemic approach allow me to offer companies paths focused on achieving the desired result.
As a coach I am a partner who supports people in personal and professional development. Through a process of dialogic exploration I accompany the client towards new awareness of himself and the world around him; I support the client in taking responsibility for implementing new behaviors that bring him closer to the desired goal, until he reaches it.
My coaching approach is Transfomational-Holistic, focused of Systemic Coaching, Advance Core Coaching, Voice Dialogue Coaching, Team & Group Coaching, Mentoring and Individual Effectiveness Model of assessment and Emotional Intelligence Develop.
Nothing is repeated, everything is co-built!
In order to design processes and training projects and work facilitation alongside my clients, I listen to their needs, understand the context and scenarios present and desired.
Feedback and reviews
Two days in which the entrepreneurs of the Confartigianato Women's Business Movement discussed on how strategic is in the organization to assume one's responsibilities, recognizing the strength of the identity of Confartigianato System and facing change starting from the awareness that we must learn to recognize own limits and knowing how to ask something with a view of growth guaranteed by synergistic, empathetic and sharing leadership.
Camilla has the ability to accompany you to the center of the problem with delicacy, simplicity and tranquility, managing to make you focus on the crux of the issue and help you find the right interpretation for its resolution. She tiptoes into your world and your experience, both personal and professional, with her competence, determination and sensitivity that allows you to achieve the goals of coaching to help you evolve and improve. It was an extremely positive experience and having Camilla as a coach made it even more effective, educational and fulfilling.
I followed a series of Camilla's Webinars on Mentoring. A structured and structurable activity in which new implications and solutions are gradually pigeonholed. Camilla's real plus is the ability to encourage interaction and involvement, despite the remote situation. The "Incremental Contribution Agreement" is very useful and hygienic. Follow to find out!
I cannot say that I have learned “more” in the sense that I have learned “Everything”, as the concepts are totally new to me and the wealth that I personally bring home is the concept of reciprocity, of mutual engagement, an exchange in which mentors and mentees enrich themselves and welcome the 'each other in a climate of trust, transparency and self-awareness." I think I said more or less like this. See you soon and thanks again for this interesting and stimulating journey together, I hope it is the first of many! Penso di avere detto più o meno così. A presto ed ancora grazie per questo interessante e stimolante percorso insieme, spero sia il primo di tanti!
Ho trovato l’esperienza molto utile ed interessante. Il cambiamento portato ha avuto impatto positivo sia per l’azienda e sia personalmente su me stessa. Il rapporto si è basato da subito sulla fiducia reciproca che ci ha permesso di “lavorare” anche su esperienze personali. Ho avuto la sensazione di essere sempre supportata e di poter decidere su quali punti concentrare le varie sessioni. Camilla mi ha sempre trasmesso di avere fiducia in me e mi ha insegnato ad analizzare/valutare una situazione da altri punti di vista. Mi trovo tutt’ora a ripensare e a prendere spunto dagli argomenti trattati durante il coaching. Tutto ciò a conferma di quanto il percorso supporti la crescita professionale e che sia quindi applicabile alle nuove sfide o opportunità.
Camilla is a very reliable coach, able to immediately get the right feeling with her coachees, thus effectively supporting them achieve step by step their goals. I was favorably impressed by the positive feedback I received both by the coachees and their line.
I had the opportunity to hire Camilla as my Coach. I appreciate Camilla's skills and experience: she has been able to identify the "core" of my issues during the coaching session and she really supported me in my journey from my comfort zone to a next step in my evolution. She combines energy and enthusiasm with attention and care of my sensitivity.
E' stata una bellissima esperienza di formazione e di team perché iniziative come questa aiutano non solo ad aumentare le proprie competenze ma anche a crescere assieme...tu Camilla sei stata eccezionale nell'aiutarci ad unire i nostri sforzi per creare un'energia positiva per raggiungere gli obiettivi e le sfide che ci attendono.
Thank you Camilla, your ability to deftly navigate through complex conversations, always maintaining a balance between active listening and powerful questions, was a masterful demonstration of the core competencies of coaching. Your guidance has not only elevated our teamwork but also left a lasting mark on my professional journey. A privilege to observe your work as a Master Coach at the ICF conference.